A crate of old records

Storyboarding is something I've never liked...

There are just not enough hours in the day anymore. Between Comedy Festival gigs, producing a TV show, working, and seeing America in concert in the evening (not bad!), Kim and I managed to squeeze in a storyboarding meeting on Sunday morning. It went far better than our initial storyboarding session, as we actually got some storyboarding done. Ideas were flowing, and now the whole sci-fi idea for the clip seems to have fleshed itself out, which is fantastic considering three days prior the blank page was mocking me in its pristine white pretentiousness. So whilst I wrote down ideas and played Police records, Kim storyboarded them out in that wonderful graphic style she has. All we got done was the Sci-fi part of the clip, which is about a third, so there is still a lot to do. For some odd reason I said I’d complete the storyboard for the rest of the clip, despite the fact that drawing is anything but my forte (yeah, that pic is my pathetic effort). So here I am, 4:43am on Tuesday morning still finishing it. It’s a much greater effort than some people appreciate, but it has to be done. Almost there now…

Once again, Kim has directed me to a video clip to add to the scrap book. She was wondering what kind of stylistic approach I'd envisioned for the animation and so tossed up the names of a few clips for comparison. The clip below pretty much sums up what I had in mind (except we won't be so detailed).

Megalomaniac - Incubus

Ooh, can't wait!

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