A crate of old records

Don't Tell Tom...

Yesterday, a few of us went down to Brunswick's Don't Tell Tom to catch Spectrum and do a bit of filming for the show.

It was an awesome evening, with the band reverting back to their old ways of using Hugh McSpedden's psychedelic projections to complement their show. Some of Hugh's stuff blew me sideways - you woudn't want to be off your head and watching that stuff (or maybe you would)...

The footage we got isn't too bad - a little dark at times - but it creates a somewhat abstract and moody feel to the whole piece. We also got a little interview with Mike, the band's singer and guitarist, which despite being an experiment for us, was quite an interesting little piece. It will help us in deciding what boards to tread in the future anyway.

If I get the time, I might post a little video up later, but don't hold your breath.

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