A crate of old records

Cracks? Already?

There was an art department meeting this morning, and of course everyone wanted details about the clip. It’s so frustrating that one can’t offer any real answers apart from being particularly vague. Things are moving far too quickly. People want things done yesterday, and the concept has had no time to flesh itself out and become something other than a fledgling idea with no substance. It’s all just a big fat mess in my head. The concept is lacking, and one is completely uninspired. People keep telling me what to do and, foolishly, I listen. There’s a huge creative output expected in such a short amount of time, which is made even shorter by my ludicrous schedule. There's a great sense of guilt that I’m lagging behind as a show producer, and getting completely lost in the clip – which is realistically what should be happening, but the guilt just keeps on coming. A chat this evening has certainly made me rethink things, and was guiding me to become firm and forceful about cutting out the shit – as a Director should be. It’s a sad state of affairs when you can’t take your own advice and knowledge to make things right in the first place. Keep it simple. That’s all there is to it.

How to change things is the challenging bit. Divine intervention would be nice. The odd light bulb wouldn’t go astray. Just keep hacking at it I suppose, until it makes some sense. Maybe going back to the original concept when ideas were fresh and interesting is a good place to start. Sunday is the day the storyboard has to be somewhat complete. So I have until then to revise. Shit.

Sorry about all this self-indulgence, I just really needed to get that off my chest…

-EDIT- 11/04/07 - 11:52PM

It's amazing what a couple of hours and a rant can do. Not only are the ideas flowing, but the clip makes some sense. Thank goodness for that! There were ideas that made the clip far too congested, and it was no longer focusing on the song. The whole story of the Rocket Girl somehow went missing, but now it's back with a vengeance. In our inital storyboarding mission on Monday, Kim and I had a great deal of difficulty coming up with ideas for the sci-fi side of the film clip. It all seems to become blatantly obvious when you strip everything back and look at the song for what it is. We listened to the song for many an hour and brainstormed feelings, what we visualised, etc, and while that's all well and good, we were completely missing the story of the song. A desperate phonecall to Mike later, and we were still pretty lost. Every idea just didn't seem to do the song the justice it deserved. The only breakthrough came when I was putting my copy of the Milesago album away at the end of the meeting, and Kim said she loved the cover. I said, "wait 'til you see the back cover!" and then boom! Brainwave! The initial idea for the filmclip was a group of stills to the beat of the song, and taking this idea, I thought it could still be used in the sci-fi side of things as a sort of animated scrap book setup. If you've seen the back of the Milesago album, you might catch my drift, if not, here it is for you...

Note: this image was taken off the net... the right side seems a little out of whack and I have no idea why there's a crease. But you get the gist.

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