Today we had our first meeting with Mike and Bill from Spectrum where we shoved a camera in front of their faces and asked them a few questions. I was a bit apprehensive at first as to how the whole situation would unfold, with us doing very quick interviews with the guys about their thoughts on the song/film clip, etc, and the filming of a meeting. Thankfully the guys seemed quite relaxed and in the mood for a good time, and so the cameras being there didn’t really impinge on their demeanour. It really didn’t help that I’d only had 3 hours sleep and had to contend with Bill’s quirky asides (AWKWARD), but all in all the footage and interview turned out well. The small interview with Mike and Bill is a ripper – there’s talk of sexy women and gay bars – what more could you ask for?!
It was also our first time working with Stefan (our host) after auditioning him in late January. He was a little confused about the whole concept in the beginning, but by the end understood exactly what was going on. I really look forward to working with him further, because he was the only guy we auditioned that had that little spark that made you light up and want to interact with him. Once he's more informed about the show and the band, he'll be brilliant.
Anyway, the whole point of the meeting was to discuss the concept we had for the film clip for “Rocket Girl”, a rather sexually explicit space song (due to be released on Spectrum’s new album Breathing Space). I don’t think I’ll release any details here (otherwise you won’t watch the show!), but it was good to have ideas validated and expanded upon. Just speaking with Garth, the Art Department head, five minutes before we sat down with the guys, he was brimming with really clever ideas that just made the concept gel a lot better. So now Kim and I will get together on the weekend, chuck on a record, light some incense and get inspired to draw up a storyboard. If you behave, I’ll post up some pics. But here are some pics from the shoot anyway:

Mike & Bill debating over single and gay bars...

Mike, Bill, Miranda, Kim and Garth get comfy on the couch

Stefan, our host with the most

Jarryd and his alien-looking camera friend - they're expecting in July

A post-meeting meeting. How wanky...
Overall, the day went better than thought -well, the footage turned out to be a lot more interesting than I thought it would. So now we're off to find locations, props, costumes, and develop ideas further. We're still trying to figure out exactly how we're going to shoot the documentary side of things, but I think most of it will be shoot-it-and-see. There's going to be a whole lotta editing and camping out on the couch in shifts at my place very very soon...
It was also our first time working with Stefan (our host) after auditioning him in late January. He was a little confused about the whole concept in the beginning, but by the end understood exactly what was going on. I really look forward to working with him further, because he was the only guy we auditioned that had that little spark that made you light up and want to interact with him. Once he's more informed about the show and the band, he'll be brilliant.
Anyway, the whole point of the meeting was to discuss the concept we had for the film clip for “Rocket Girl”, a rather sexually explicit space song (due to be released on Spectrum’s new album Breathing Space). I don’t think I’ll release any details here (otherwise you won’t watch the show!), but it was good to have ideas validated and expanded upon. Just speaking with Garth, the Art Department head, five minutes before we sat down with the guys, he was brimming with really clever ideas that just made the concept gel a lot better. So now Kim and I will get together on the weekend, chuck on a record, light some incense and get inspired to draw up a storyboard. If you behave, I’ll post up some pics. But here are some pics from the shoot anyway:

Overall, the day went better than thought -well, the footage turned out to be a lot more interesting than I thought it would. So now we're off to find locations, props, costumes, and develop ideas further. We're still trying to figure out exactly how we're going to shoot the documentary side of things, but I think most of it will be shoot-it-and-see. There's going to be a whole lotta editing and camping out on the couch in shifts at my place very very soon...
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